Dearest Karnapriya Dev,
Dearest Krupalupriya Dev,
Dearest Nainapriya Dev,
Dearest Bhaktipriya Dev,
Dearest Bhaktpriya Dev,
Dearest Atmapriya Dev,
Dearest Hrudaypriya Dev,
Aganit Vandans, Aganit vaar, Aganit Samay samay na Vandans,
By Your Grace, after 54 years of living this beautiful life, learning, observing, reading, listening, meeting, traveling, engaging, talking, touching, feeling, experiencing, understanding, exploring, meditating, working, teaching, walking, cycling, running, watching, communicating, earning, losing, falling, standing, sitting, reading, climbing & wondering…
i see Life is a beautiful journey where i must pass through with maximum LOVE towards all.
The love of, You & me are the same.
The love of, extending for others.
The love of, no expectations.
The love of, i am with You.
The love of, no demands.
The love of, being yourself.
The love of, forgiveness.
The love of, gratitude.
The love of, just be.
The love of, ahimsa.
The love of, it’s ok.
The love of, letting go.
The love of, myDev.
Life is a beautiful journey where i need to look outside the window and wish well for everyone without getting attracted, attached or attacked.
i see life as a bountiful journey where i need to pass through with minimal karma dust through simple interactions, no clashes and least of extremities.
Life is a beautiful journey where I need to look within and keep ego, anger, hatred, ignorance at bay, minimise expectations & extremes.
Seek not to make any changes, corrections, alterations or allegations, i just need to learn to stretch, duck, bend, push and pull a little every now and then and pass through smoothly & equanimously.
Life is, to close all accounts of the past and to thank everyone for their contributions in my journeys. No achievement is single-handed, it’s always a team effort of, Blessings, Karmas, Patrata, Grace, Yogbal, Effort and Vivek.
Everyone is right in their way, almost always most people mean well, i need to have the ‘Love insight’ to see it and feel it.
At the end, the peace is what matters.
It’s ok to go through life anonymously and unnoticed with Love. After all, within a very short time i have to pass on to a new role with the same Soul, moving towards the ultimate goal. With the Master by my side, i just need to flow, slide, glide and pass through.
Nothing and no one are permanent (except the soul) so, myDev says, it’s a game of choices and not dices (luck). Must go ‘all-in’ and choose the Soul-good above all other vices.
Money gives convenience when we are at peace and ease only. Else Dev says, it’s just an ego fight where might is right and ‘right’ (truth & honesty) loses its might.
As i depart from this role leaving behind all my possessions, connections and characters, i actually cannot take anything with me. Everything physical that i strived for, worked hard for, saved for and faught for, is all left behind.
All that is ‘matter’, in the end, does not matter.