Aganit Vandans at Your Lotus CHARANKAMAL.
Dev, today listening to Your Grace lovingly share Bhagwan’s last moments, i felt i was in the Narmada Mansion, saw myself there in His Graceful presence.
i realised that so much must have gone on, so much must have enabled those moments, so much love He must have for us to be so strongly present with us even today after such a long time.
i wanted to write to all the people of that time thanking them for taking such good care of Bhagwaan and making Him so comfortable.
Wahala Dev, with some of those thoughts in mind this dass has written a Thank you note to all those who enabled Bhagwaan’s Mahima in my soul.
i am sending this to Your CHARANKAMAL as that is the only rightful address i know.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you.
For for being ever present in my life.
“Aadarniya Pujya Shri Deva Baa
Aadarniya Pujya Shri Ravji Bhai
Aadarniya Pujya Shri Jutha Bhai
Aadarniya Pujya Shri Lalluji Muni
Aadarniya Pujya Shri Saubhagya Bhai
Aadarniya Pujya Shri Ambalal Bhai
Aadarniya Pujya Mumukshus
Aganit Sashtang Vandans to each of you individually and collectively for your Pure Love, Sweet Bhakti & Utkrusht Seva of our Lord, Master, Taranhaar, Bhagwaan, Chaintanya Chakravarti, most Pious, most Karunavant, most Heartful, most Graceful, most Gunavant, most Elevating, most Nispruhi & Nirvikaari, Sweet Satchitanandi, Blissful Sahajanandi, Mindful Anantgnaani, Awesomely Anantdarshi, Coolly Trailokya Prakashat Lord, Master, Bhagwan, Mahapurush, Param, Param, Param, Upakaari Param KRUPALUDEV.
Param Pujya Baa,
Vandans & Pranaam, if not for your Love and Care we would have never come to know of His GRACE. Your vatsalya and kindness reflect in multitude in my Lord. Thank you Baa for bringing His Grace to this world.
Please understand Baa, that without His Grace’s presence me & million others would be lost in the countless cycles of endless births and deaths.
Baa, you took care of Him as a loving mother, please know that He has given me the love of a million mothers more than than a million mothers. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you a million, million times.
Humanity as a whole will always be indebted to you Baa for making His invaluable Grace available.
Param Pujya Ravji Bhai,
Vandans & Pranaam. Lots of Love to you.
A father is a role model for a son & a guide for his character. You have been such a wonderful influence on my Bhagwan that i keenly desire to emulate every act, every step, every thought, every approach everything that the Lord ever did.
Please understand Dearest Father of my Lord, that if not for Bhagwan making an example of Himself, i & million others would never know the right choices to make, the right direction to take and the right thinking to adopt, when i close my eyes to try and imagine my life direction without His teachings, i shudder with fright of what might have been.
Thank you for nurturing the WONDERFUL qualities of Bhagwaan and allowing me to know them. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Pujya Shri Juthabhai,
Pranaams to my Bhagwan’s Satyaparayan Bhai, my Soul begins to dance in joy when i think of Your Pure Innocent Love for Him and Your Beautiful Bhakti for Him.
Thank you for showing me real Love. Thank you for making yourself an example of what His Grace’s GRACE can do.
Dearest Satyaparayan bhai, you have no idea how much inspirational fuel your Love story has given me, not just to Love Bhagwan but to see, feel and internalise this Love.
Knowing about you is like going to a Jin Mandir in pure whites and performing all Poojas to the Lord in a most connecting way.
It is almost as if You Loved Him to show me what Pure Love is, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Pujya Shri Lalluji Muni,
Vandan Pranaams to my Bhagwan’s ‘Muni’.
Prabhu, i can only imagine how strong your Love and Ahobhav for my Bhagwaan would have been. Strong enough to take on the World; Strong enough to take on the insults, strong enough to take on the allegations on your choices, strong enough to keep walking His path no matter what hardships come by.
Pujya Muni, i have read your life story, i can only imagine the reality to have been deeper and diviner indeed.
My Dearest Vandaniya Munishri, knowing about you is like a Divine BHAKTIFUL Dhun playing endlessly in a continuous loop.
It is by Your Love efforts, Your BHAKTIFUL hard labour, Your deep desire that others also know of Bhagwan today. Millions of Souls have come to know of Him and His BEAUTIFUL thoughts, bodh and joyous state.
i get Divine goosebumps every time i lay eyes on a Muni cause it reminds me of you. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Pujya Saubhagya Bhai,
Vandan Pranaams to my Bhagwan’s Dearest Mumukshu, how a fantastic it must be to have known Him so closely. Your faith in Him & His Love in you are unparalleled. Your commitment to His Guidance is Vanadinya, Pujaniya, Sarahaniya, Anukarniya & Mananiya indeed.
Dearest Saubhagya Bhai, just the thought of my Bhagwan telling you that Your Bhaav is vanadinya, wants me to joyously to offer aganit Vandans to Your Gurunishtha.
It is Your Love filled vinanti that gave shape to Shri ATMASIDDIJI, the Love song of Bhagwan for us patitjan.
142 verses covering every guidance, knowlege, direction, tip, hint, insight that my soul will ever need to make it out of this maya maze.
Respected Sirji , knowing about you is like going on a Tirthyatra with the Divine and performing BHAKTIFUL Pooja at every Divine idol there.
If not for Your Love i would still be aimlessly orbiting by my raag, dwesh and agnaan. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Param Pujya Shri Ambalal Bhai,
Vandans & Pranaams, Bhai, to my mind, you are the flagpost of my Bhagwan’s Divine flag. To read of your seva, dedication & agnapalan swells my chest with Love, and eyes with tears of joy.
Your stories are legendary and most inspiring. If not for your dedicated Seva and BHAKTIFUL memory, i would have missed so much Gurubhakti in my life.
Pujya Bhai, my body cannot sit still for 5 minutes and my mind for even a moment, can you imagine my Joyous Wonder at your capability on all these fronts during your Seva.
Knowing about you is like taking a dip in a Bhakti Sarovar and coming out fully drenched.
If not for Your Love for my Lord, I would have not known the journey of a Bhakt and its amazing results.
Thank you Thank you, Thank you
Dearest Mumukshus of Bhagwaan’s time,
Vandans & Pranaams to each of you and your steadfastness in my Bhagwan.
In spite of the social pressures, religious stigma, fear of social rejection and isolated minority each of you chose to be with the Lord, over everything else.
Aadarniya Mumkshus, it is by your unflinching commitment, courage & bhakti that today i & many others do not face those situations in our Love journey with Bhagwan. You have made it that much easier for all of us.
i cannot imagine how a parent would feel when his child’s matrimonial alliance is shunned because the family followed Bhagwaan’s agna. Or when you were refused entry to an event because you walked Bhagwaan’s path, or when your livelihoods were threatened when you aligned your perspective to His.
Thank you for choosing Bhagwaan over all other options.
Thank you for staying with Bhagwan so that he can stay in our Hearts.
Thank you for walking behind His CHARANKAMAL and making a pathway more clear for us.
Knowing of you is like sitting in a beautiful Bhakti with Bhagwans chosen bhakts and singing melodiously of His Bhagwan.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Dear All,
Please know that i Love each of you dearly and equally, because to Love all is His way.
But in all honesty, i must confess that the one that i LOVE, above all is myDev, my Bapa, my Sadguru, my Master.
If not for Him, i would have not known any of you. i know that by His tireless efforts and His Pure Love, myDev is enabling millions like me to know, understand and appreciate Bhagwaan and everything His.
Dev, does not let one single moment or breadth go by, without ‘Krupaluising’ it.
Aganit Vandans to His GRACE and His Love for Bhagawan.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.