If you remember me, remember my Captain


If you remember me, remember my Captain

Whenever someone passes me a compliment, i get a wee bit uncomfortable. It could be the smallest of things but that is because the person i am today is a product of myDev’s unconditional love and relentless efforts. Trust me, this silly brat would’ve wreaked havoc if it wasn’t for His grace.

Albeit it’s still a work in progress but every molecule of my being has changed and wants to get better for HIM.

So, speaking about compliments, I’ve always had a hard time accepting them. i absolutely cannot dare to take credit for anything good in me. All that i am and will ever be is owing to the fact that my Master did not give up on me.

Growing up from a baby to an adult is a miraculously different journey when your Divine father is working on you.

When the kids my age were just going for their regular tuitions,
i looked forward to my weekly divinetouch classes with utmost excitement.

When turning into an atheist was becoming the new cool,
myDev made Dharma fun for me, something that i did with complete understanding.

When all i heard about from people around was depression and therapy,
My master’s words and agna made my life different from the rest and incredibly special.

When the world went for clubbing on Saturday nights,
i was blessed to attend my Lord’s Param Satsangs at Yogi.

When the parents of my peers were tensed about their future,
My parents were totally stress free because my Dev told them He will look after their daughter.

When 31st night meant going gaga over a pop culture concert for the youth,
i had the time of my life at the graceland dancing on the tunes of His Bhakti.

In a situation where it is obvious for a normal person to bristle with rage,
myDev’s preachings enabled me to get through all the storms, calmly.

When greed, selfishness and the monetary matters were engulfing people around,
i got to be one of the chosen ones who got the beautiful chance of offering seva and experience the utter joy of giving.

While every morning may just feel like another day to the rest,
i wake up with that one strong reason i.e., winning His Rajipo.

You see, life has been anything but ordinary! How could it possibly be when you have Him as your guardian angel at every step of the way.

So every time i get a compliment now, i just smile to myself and grab that chance to thank myDev.

Infinite Arigatos will never suffice but since that is all your child has to offer at Your lotus feet, Arigato myDev for calling me Your Dikri.

Love You more than words can say!