If you…


If you…

If you are looking for a fresh perspective in life, wear myDev’s Guru Goggles.

If you are looking for simple ideas to make your life journey joyous. Sit, listen, imbibe and implement myDev’s tips.

If you are wanting to offer more to the world and don’t know how, offer at myDev’s Lotus Charan and see how your effort makes an exponential difference.

If you want to check your direction, goal and destination follow myDev’s GPS.

If you are looking for simple answers to complicated questions talk to myDev, you will get the answers.

If you are looking for a little more out of life than just existing, see myDev’s schedule and learn to give, give and give most lovingly, unendingly.

If you feel your love and affection is not recognised or reciprocated, take just one step towards myDev and see the multiplier effect of His Grace.

If you are wondering why everything is happening with you, read myDev’s eyes everything will remain the same, you will change.

If you feel differently about different people in the same situations learn from myDev to be lovingly unattached.

If you feel stuck and a little directionless use myDev’s SIM and stay connected to the best direction.

If you want to understand the how and why of life look no further try His Satsang.

If you have everything and still feel empty inside drop by drop fill your life with myDev’s wisdom.

If your life is full of activities and still you are not satisfied, initiate all activities for, towards and offered to myDev.

If providence has been kind to you and you are not able to extend it to others, walk upon His footsteps, you will never be the same.

If you don’t know what it means to love unconditionally, start loving Him and see the magic.

If you are looking for the roadmap to go inwards look into His eyes and find it.

If you have the urge to do good & be good listen to myDev and be awed by Him.

If you don’t believe me, try.
If you can’t accept this, try.
If you cannot fathom this, try.
If you think this is not possible, try.
See for yourself.
