Someday Soon


Someday Soon

Dear heart, someday when i don’t feel connected to myDev i will cry hard, so allow me to feel His Grace as much as possible and take it all in, now.

Dear mind, someday when i won’t get myDev’s seva i will be very lonely & sad, so now allow me to offer seva every moment.

Dear karmas, someday when my balance is low, i won’t get to listen to myDev’s Satsang so now allow me to focus 100%.

Dear eyes, someday when i won’t get to see myDev you will cry-dry, so now don’t bat an eyelid when He is in the zone.

Dear ego, someday when you are ready to bow down, He may have moved on, so now, immediately, ASAP, submit to His Grace.

Dear anger, someday when you want to seek forgiveness it may be too late because it may get beyond repair. Go to Him, bow down, submit and get released from your misery.

Dear feet, someday you may not be able to walk, now while you can, run to His side and rejoice in His darshan.

Dear hands, someday you may not be able to fold to His Chitrapat too, now when you can, at every opportunity fold, hold and be bold over and over, over and over.

Dear soul, someday you will repent. He is here, make the most of this gift. You wished for this, you desired this, you prayed for this, you begged for this in the past births. Now don’t let go, don’t miss, don’t be shy or coy, don’t lose Him again, revel in joy.

Dear greed, someday you will understand that He is the only thing you need. He is the pot full of Goodness, Divinity, Purity, Wonder and Grace, take in as much as you can, take it all.

Dear moh, someday you will get tired, betrayed and disillusioned with all others in whom you have placed immense value. Know that the only real value is Him, His and He, put all your value in His Grace, He is the true Ace.

Dear tongue, someday you will not be able to speak or share, till then only speak, sing and share about His Karuna, Generosity, Love, Grace and Affection.

Dear body, someday you will lose your flexibility, fitness, youthfulness & energy so for now at every opportunity bow down to Him, dance for Him, rejoice for Him, obey all His agnas.

Dear love, someday you will realise that the only true Love you experience will be from Him. Every other is a give and take for gain sake. So love Him endlessly, limitlessly and immediately.

Dear sleep, someday you will seek seva desperately and not get it, so now perform the smallest act with Love, attention and lots of gratitude at the cost of anything else.

Dear vivek, someday you need to stop getting driven by sensual urges and feed on shreya driven choices. Do it in His presence for it to happen effortlessly, else it is a mammoth task.

Dear Samyagdarshan, someday we need to meet, the most conducive time is in His presence, help me make the most of it.

Dear raag-dwesh, someday you will have to stop forcing my paribhraman, submit to His Lotus Charan and allow me the eternal joy of sthirta.

Dear agnaan, someday you will have to hold his hand to get gnaan, why not do it now.

Dear darshan moh, see so much value in Him so that someday the value of everything else is zero.

Dear charitra moh, get attached to Him so that someday regardless of my udays, His Grace will become my permanent Sadbhagya.

Dear vruttis, someday you will yearn for the food of Satsang, pay attention now in His presence, that’s the very essence of this birth.

Make today defeat someday.
Make today count instead of waiting for someday.
Make today most valuable by His presence than repent someday.

Thank You.
Thank You.
Thank You.