Dearest Revered,
Most Respected,
Unendingly Divine,
Infinitely Generous,
Awesomely Graceful,
Amazingly Insightful,
Supremely Appreciated,
Indefinitely Kalyaan-kaari,
Param Param Param Krupalu Dev,
Aganit Vandans with every cell in my body, every ounce of blood, every breadth and every bhaav at Your Glorious Charankamal.
Sweetest Bhagwaan,
my Kind Gurudev has taught me to seek Your intervention when i get desperate and when i need help…
So here’s my humble prayer at Your Gracious Lotus Charan…
1. Please help me Love my Gurudev as much as He Loves You.
i am foolish, stupid & ignorant filled with many more such ills.
my Gurudev said, You alone are capable, most gracious and infinitely compassionate to make this happen.
Please help me Love my Gurudev as much as He Loves You.
2. Kind Bhagwaan, i am greedy, incompetent, egoistic with kuvruttis galore, my Bapaji said You know everything and He said, You can still help. So Dear Krupaludev please please help me have unflinching faith in His words like He has in your words.
3. i am full of raag-dvesh and ignorance, my Sweet Bapaji, said that Your Grace will help alleviate these. So, kindest and most loved Kalyaankaari Yugpradhanshri ji, please help me have unflinching confidence in my Dev just as He has in You.
4. i swing with my moods from end to end like a yo-yo out of control almost constantly. In all His Satsangs, Pujya Gurudevshri tells us that You can help stabilize my moods. Most Gracious Chaitanya Chakravaty please help me to deeply imbibe myDev’s teachings like He has personified Yours.
5. Divine Prabhu, i constantly put value in the non-sentient by attacks of darshan moh, Dearest Lord Krupaludev, myDev said that You have the divine chisel that can chip away this. Please help me have the Love filled Drashti for Him, just as He has for You.
6. Masterful Master, i lose my control to udays by strong charitra moh stimuli. my Shri Guru has shared that You have the key to unlock this moh jail.
Please help me have the special Vitaraagta enabled Goggles the ones Your Grace has gifted Him.
7. myDev’s Dev, i don’t understand or know how to develop Sham, Samved, Nirved, Aastha & Anukampa the 5 qualities that enable Samyagdarshan. myDev said You have these on the palm of Your hand. Please help me imbibe these, i am ready for anything.
8. Grace filled God, i am not only ignorant, on top of it, i refuse to accept it so many times. my most passionate Master said, You are like the Kalpavruksha so just like you gifted Him, i humbly seek the 8 Gunn, 8 Aung of Samyagdarshan ( Nishankitpanu, Nikanshitpanu, Nirvichikitsapanu, Amudhadrashti, Upguhan, Stitikaran, Vatsalya & Dharma prabhavna), so i offer my ego on the alter of His Love and dissolve in Him, like He dissolved in You.
Dearest Bhagwaan, i know that i have a long long way to go…
Dearest Krupaludev, i know that my patrata is lacking a lot…
Dearest Revered Master, i know that my pramad and ego are very high…
Please help me Nath, myDev said You will if my call is sincere and genuine.
i know, i will make it by Your Grace.
Thank You.
Thank You.
Thank You.
Thank You.
Thank You.
Thank You.