Dev, i love You very much.
Dev, i love You so much.
Dev, i love everything about You.
Dev, i love the way You keep at it and don’t give up.
Dev, i love the way You simplify stuff for my better understanding.
Dev, i love the way You explain Yourself so that i learn.
Dev, i love the way You think of what i need long before i even reach that point. .
Dev, i love the way You articulate for my deeper imbibing.
Dev, i love the way You are everready to explain the simplest concepts over and over and over till i get it.
Dev, i love the way You help me unmask and clean myself inside out.
Dev, i love the way You extend yourself so much to make me see the Divinity in myself.
Dev, i love the way You make me love You, myself & the World so easily.
Dev, i love the way You know everything and yet you patiently ask and listen to my everything.
Dev, i love the way You posses so so so much of so so so much and yet You are so so so humble and simple.
Dev, i love the way You are able to see through everything and yet choose to see my kalyaan through my aganit faults.
Dev, i love the way You have so much confidence in my spiritual success, where i don’t see any light in the pitch dark unending tunnel.
Dev, i love the way You help me get so much more from myself.
Dev, i love the way You make everything so meaningful, festive & celebrative.
Dev, i love the way You Bless and send Your vibrations to those on the ground when flying over us.
Dev, i love the way You flip through a book and know what’s in there without actually reading it.
Dev, i love the way You so beautifully make Yourself the example for me to follow. i absolutely Love this quality.
Dev, i love the way You walk, talk, sit, wear Your shawl, express, share, care, pray, smile, correct and connect.
Dev, i love the way You show immense Love at the slightest sign of ‘anything to do’ with Bhagwaan.
Dev, i love the way You seek every decision, do everything and offer everything to Graceful Bhagwaan Krupaludev.
Dev, i love the way You ensure to give more than your 100% in everything, everytime, always.
Dev, i love the way You are able to bond, build, hold, guide, inspect, correct, change, transform, convert, divert me towards Bhagwan’s Chatankamal (ie my kalyaan)
Dev, i love the way You Smile at me, Wave to me, Bless me, Nod to me, Look at me, Raise Your eyebrows, Hug me, Feed me, Reach me, Teach me, Explain to me, Sit with me, Love me, Listen to me…
Dev, i love the way You allow me to offer seva so that i get some laabh ( karma points) while everyone knows You, can do it all…….. faster, more efficiently, more accurately, more easily and much more sincerely.
Dev, i love the way You make me rejoice in Your Grace beyond my wildest dreams.
Dev, i love the way You allow me to be connected to You effortlessly. We both know very well that all good in me, is by You only.
Dev, i love the way You move away from me and yet manage to keep me closer to You.
Dev, i love the way You give all the answers to my private questions in public and ensure that i know and no one else knows.
Dev, i love the way You always know the right thing to say at the right time, for the right outcomes.
Dev, i love the way You so masterfully manange everything, effortlessly & perfectly.
Dev, i love the way You actually control the clock.
Dev, i love the way You give me the vivek to choose between shreya and preya and enable me to ‘grow’ no matter what I choose.
Dev, i love the way You have added so much love in my life, starting with immense Love for You.
Dev, i love the way You make me wipe the slate clean and then write on it to clean up all errors and ills.
Dev, i love the way You take such wonderful care of my family and children. With You looking out for them, their journey can only be Divine.
Dev, i love the way You are keeping an eye on me, no matter where i am. Thank you Dev.
Dev, i love the way You help me slowly but surely, become, You.
Dev, i love the way You enable me to rejoice in Your Bhakti. be it song, dance, satsang, meditation or a walk all are my BHAKTI for you.
Dev, i love the way You help me see You in everyone around me.
Dev, i love the way You share everything with me and allow me to learn from You so easily.
Dev, i love the way You do everything for Your Guru, by Your Grace am getting there, i will get there.
Dev, i love the way You take up one small initiative and the ripple effect is a Divinetouch for generations to come.
Dev, i love the way You come home and make us feel so much at home with Your Love and Affection.
Dev, i love the way You nudge me in the right direction and save me from taking disastrous decisions.
Dev, i love the way You open the door just enough for me to peep into Your world and then make me yearn for it night & day.
Dev, i love the way You listen to your dietician / guide / doctor / yoga instructor and follow their recommendations 100%, gladly and willingly.
Dev, i love the way You plan your year meticulously so that i can plan everything around You.
Dev, i love the way You go across the world like a collector, tol collect and connect all Souls back to Bhagwaan.
Dev, i love the way You are so pure, so clean, so kind, so sweet, so perfect & so neat.
Dev, i love the way You are always thinking of new ways to touch our inner self.
Dev, i love the way You change me, my thinking, my perspective, my beliefs, my understanding and myself completely.
Dev, i love the way You perform a Prathishtha of Bhagwaan with every ounce of bhakti, energy, strength, love, affection and joy. All in.
Dev, i love the way You gaze at Bhagwaan when offering Aarti, it’s as if You become one with His Grace.
Dev, i love the way You initiate small pebbles of seva and cares and soon it becomes a snowball rolling downhill.
Dev, i love the way You dance in a trance for Bhagwaan.
This list can go on and on, because really everything about You, i love, dearly.
Thank you for showing me the beautiful side of Your Grace.
Thank You.
Thank You.
Thank You.