Happy New Year


Happy New Year

Happy New Year Dev.

Thank You for truly making our life happy by Your Grace’s presence.

Please believe me, Your gracious presence makes a whole lot of difference.


In Your absence, the world loses its flavour.

In Your absence, i don’t like myself.

In Your absence, my bhakti loses its tune.

In Your absence, my mind loses its calmness.

In Your absence, my heart beats, but slowly.

In Your absence, my eyes miss the tears.

In Your absence, my dance loses its step.

In Your absence, i am a bit lost looking for the divine spark in the jungle.

In Your absence, the mukut of Bhagwan is missing its chudamani.

In Your absence, i surely feel Your presence but the cooling effect is missing.

In Your absence, i miss You too much.

In Your absence, i realise i am only looking for You.

In Your absence the pooja upakarans are missing the lustre and gleam.


And as myDev walks in… everything changes

Now that You have arrived, all colours are brighter, shiny and radiant.

Now that You are here, the sabha is alive with Your Love.

Now that You are here, the bhakti has got its mood maker & maha bhakt.

Now that You are here, the air is filled with purity and freshness.

Now that You are here, everything has changed so beautifully.

Dev, i have felt each and every experience above to be true.

Happy New Year Dev.

Thank You for Gracing my life with Your Love.

Aganit Vandans.
Aganit Vandans.
Aganit Vandans.