Dearest Dev,
Kindest Dev.
Most pious Dev,
As i have watched You from a distance, my heart races and rejoices to Your darshan.
Dev, Your darshan is like synchronised rhythm of dancing eyes.
Dev, Your darshan creates a symphony for my soul that keeps it elevated always.
Graceful Dev, Your darshan provides harmony to all my senses.
Sahebji, Your darshan helps my heart, mind & body align and resonate at 528 Hz, the frequency of love.
Dev, Your darshan is like a sublime meditation that evaporates my discomforts and establishes peace.
Dev, thank You for extending Your buggy rides, car rides, Your blessing walks and so many such darshan opportunities. Each of these gives me so so so much push and energy to go on and on.
Darshanam paap naashanam,
Darshanam moksha sadhanam.
Dev, each of Your Darshan has the potential to carry me through my most difficult times and if this darshan is accompanied by meeting of drashti, then it is 100% my moksha sadhanam.
Dev. You know when to give, what to give, how much to give and why to give. But believe me, i take from every smallest of opportunities.
Dev, thank You for providing me with this perfect remedy, perfect medicine, perfect nectar at regular intervals with perfect precision.
Gurudev, Your drashti adds so much fuel and vigor to my existence. The recharge effect of this stays for a long long time.
Sahebji, there are many currents, ocean currents, river currents, magnetic currents, gravitational current, cosmic current, electric current…
Your Drashti current is more than all of these combined.
Please keep the flow on.
Please keep the power switched on.
Lots of Love with Vandanas at Your Lotus Charan.
Thank You.
Thank You.
Thank You.