All of Yours, none of mine


All of Yours, none of mine

Guruvaar ❤️

Dearest Karunavant Gurudev,

Aganit Vandans and flower at Your Lotus Charan.

Last Shibir You shared that immense mahatmya & love will make it happen. (Shri Anubhuti).

Dev, help me decorate every moment loving You.

Dev, help me dedicate every breath to You.

Dev, i am ok to employ every drop of blood for Your Grace. Please help me make it so.

Dev, with Your blessings, i want every cell in my system to be aligned to You.

Please guide me so that in my life journey i take every step along Your path.

Graceful Sahebji, please see that my every initiative has You in it in the very center.

Graceful Dev, i am happy to spend all my energy in Your seva. Bless this.

Make it so that now, every drashti of mine looks out for You and finds You in everyone i meet.

Sahebji, my every awake moment must have me chanting Your name & Bhagwaan’s name, lovingly.

Make all my dreams of You, for You and about You.

Dev, now every journey will be towards You and ensure that i get closer and closer to You.

Bapa, every trip keeps making me yearn to stop tripping outward.

Saheb, my every conversation brings You in it somehow or the other.

All my destinations pin stop via Your doorstep.

My imagination has You in it always.

Thank You for helping me be You-Happy.

Thank You for helping me be You-Eager.

Thank You for helping me be You-Grateful.

Thank You.
Thank You.
Thank You.