myDev – The Ultimate Giver


myDev – The Ultimate Giver

Wah wah wah. Beautiful.

This is what He does.
This is what He gives us.
This is what He wants for us.
This is why He wants us to be in His Grace without fail.

i have missed a few Satsangs and i feel so so so so bad about it now.

He gives me so so so so much and i just don’t get it, i give priority to stupid stuff, i give priority to money, business, material & miss the point of His love, the point of His immense karuna, the point of His tireless efforts.

Sometimes i even start thinking i am worthy of His Love and Affection – how stupid is that.

Why is He giving me so much Love ?
Does He need my Love ?

Why is He giving me so much affection ?
Does He need to please me ?

Why is He caring so much for me ?
Does He want my fame and name ?

Why is He taking me in His seva ?
Am i better than everyone else ?

Why is He praising me ?
Does He need favours from me ?

Why is He Smiling at me ?
Does He need my connections, friends, and donations ?

Why is He giving me so much time ?
Does He need my money, property or assets ?

Look closely, for Him nothing i have is of any value, need or interest. Nothing.

Look minutely, i am nothing, no-one, useless and unworthy to Him.

Look deep, i cannot give Him anything, i cannot help Him in any way, i cannot fathom His Grace anyhow.

This mystic myDev,
This Patient Sahebji,
This Amazing Gurudev,
This Master of a Sadguru,
This Awesome Shubh Nimit,
This Most Devoted Disciple,
wants only one thing for me – 
from all angles, from all perspectives, from all nai, from all directions, from all positions, at all times, He only only wants my kalyaan.

This clip is so so so true for me.

How else can you explain my being able to reach every Param Satsang and Shibirs time and again things just worked out, every time ? no He made them so.
It is His Love, His kindness and His Grace that makes it happen.

He gives me the laabh of serving food to Him, that is another beautiful way of showing His Love. Offering food and getting Satsang too. What a deal, what a bargain.

He gives me a Smile and elevates me to the highest levels in an instant. 

He gives me a drashti and ends my paribhraman. This is not an ordinary feat, just imagine, how easily i am able to rid myself if so so so many ills and so so so many wrongs. Unimaginable.

He invites me to eat with Him and shows me the importance of self awareness. i have seen Him eat food without flinching, i could see His mouth on fire, but He kept His cool. Unbelievable.

He allows me to drive Him around showing me how none of the things outside affect Him, always look ahead and move on unwaveringly.

He makes every gesture a lesson and every act a learning opportunity. This is simply because He does it with full Soul awareness.

And, this is the ultimate, His every spoken word is a tip of past lessons, a clue for the present and a password to unlock the future.

Touching His feet is like earthing my vicars to the ground, cancelling all external noises to peace and moving my inner voices into quietness.

And if you get His hug, it is an instant Boost Warp charge to all my cells and energy points. The Power of this charge stays for a long long time, life time. 

And if He takes You in His seva, then it is surely celebration time, Cause all Your weaknesses will come out in the open to party, disappear or perish.

Every act, every word, every smile, every initiative is for His Guru and my Kalyaan.

So much love.