Dev, Aap no yog thayo……ane i woke up from deep slumber to the question of who am i ?
Saheb ji, Aap no yog thayo……ane everything changed, suddenly material became not so material, immaterial.
Wahala, Aap no yog thayo……ane i started stepping back to, think of purpose, to find purpose and work towards purpose.
Aap no yog thayo……ane stri, putra, ghar aadi diminished in myness value.
Dev, Aap no yog thayo……ane Bhagwaan wahala laagva mandiya.
Krupalu, Aap no yog thayo……ane maari daridrataa no ehsaas thayo.
Dev, Aap no yog thayo……ane maari deenata and dependency gayi.
Aap no yog thayo……ane have Aap no aj jaap che.
Aap no yog thayo……ane value system changed from external to internal benefits.
Aap no yog thayo……ane selfish is now giving way to self-ness.
Aap no yog thayo……ane preferences & references have changed. Preferences to Shreya and references to Satpurush.
Aap no yog thayo……ane i realised that there is much more at stake than just laxmi, adhikaar and parivaar.
Aap no yog thayo……ane arguments ended, anger dissolved and anxiety subsided. Banyu tae nyay.
Aap no yog thayo……ane frequency, duration and intensity of kashays and vaasnas has reduced, shortened and lightened.
Aap no yog thayo……ane maaru-taaru has become Aapdu.
Aap no yog thayo……ane the extremities of my sankalp-vikalp have largely reduced.
Aap no yog thayo……ane anywhere, anytime, anyhow Bhagwaan’s prabhavna takes over.
Aap no yog thayo……ane Aap ni Krupa thi Krupaludev no yog, ane emna Krupa patra banvani teeva jhakhna jaagi.
Aap no yog thayo……ane my heart has become so much softer, and kinder, and moist and full of love.
Aap no yog thayo……ane Love goggles are standard attire and accessory.
Aap no yog thayo……ane stop, check, introspect and vivek dictate responses.
Aap no yog thayo……ane Sadguru na guno ni grahakta thai che.
Dev, Aap no yog thayo……ane RAJIPO has taken pole position in all efforts and initiatives.
Aap no yog thayo……ane spiritual planning with desire of Samyagdarshan is gaining focus.
Aap no yog thayo……ane ‘have bus’, vadhare sambhalaye che.
Aap no yog thayo……ane NITYAKRAM has become morning’s fresh air.
Aap no yog thayo……ane Shri Atmasiddhiji celebration sharu thaya. It will continue till ATMA SIDDHI nonstop.
Aap no yog thayo……ane em janay che ke have apoorva avsar dur nathi
Dev, Arigato, Arigato, Arigato from the bottom of my heart and soul.