Beautiful Thoughts of You


Beautiful Thoughts of You

Dearest Grand Master,
Dearest Great Master,
Dearest Graceful Master,
Dearest Generous Master,

How fortunate i am to be at the receiving end of Your love, drashti, samagam, satsang, purity, divinity, generosity, magnanimity, proximity, aura, bhakti and piousness.

Sharing some Guruvaar thoughts with lots of love and affection……

His Yogbal – Dev i didn’t fully believe it but now i do. All i have to do is look at my past and my present to see the sea change it has enabled.

His words – sweet nectar. Dev, i didn’t fathom them initially and now i am enjoying their sweetness everyday addictively.

His Karuna – immense and deep. Dev, i didn’t see it on day one and now i see everything in my life.

His Atmasiddhiji, i didn’t understand it initially, Dev it grew on and in me like beautiful kalpavruksha. Seed, sapling, plant, tree, fruits and flowers. All my questions are answered and all needs are fulfilled, instantly.

His Magnum Opus, every gatha meaningful, precise, elaborate, immaculate, perfect & complete. The most beautiful roadmap to the inner world.

His 6 Padano Patra – i didn’t realise its depth and now, Dev, i thoroughly enjoy swimming in the deep with it.

Un-abhyas – i didn’t believe my vruttis, kuvruttis, kutaevs would dissolve with this practice but Dev, by Your Grace, they did. What seemed impossible, unchangeable and a downward slide with no end in sight is now reversing, changed and possible.

You said, koti koti karmas will be destroyed by reciting –
‘Aum Shri Sahaj Atma Swaroop Param Guru Shuddha Chaitanya Swamy Shrimad Shri Rajchandradev ne Namo Namaha’
i trusted You and i did it, i am a live example to its results.

You said love all, felt that i would be disloyal but then listened, read and digested it. There is nothing more true than this. This has changed all my perspectives and relationships irrevocably.

You said hold on to one guna, nurture it deep, it will bring in all the other gunas…just as pulling one leg of a table brings along the other legs. i did it and i see all others follow through, one by one.

You said raag, dvesh and ajnan are the main karma magnets, i didn’t know this, but i trusted You and now i see it as clear as the sunlight.

You said bhakti is the highway to moksha marg, this fool didn’t see it, but believed You and now i know it is the most beautiful highway. So much so that i want to stay on it more and more.

You said do everything for Him, with Him and offer to Him, i attempted it and my heart dances and rejoices just thinking of You for You and to You. (For me, Him or You are the same)

You said decrease the intensity, frequency & duration of my sensual desires… i was not sure i could. But knowing Your strength i tried sincerely for You and the cleansing has begun. So many are diminished and so many have disappeared.

You said, nirantar vruttio lakjo, never realised the power of it, but did it for You, and Dev, i gained so much insight.

You said seva is a way to say Thank You, i didn’t understand it but still tried and that’s when i realised that every minute of seva in this lifetime will not be enough, because to say Thank Yu for what You have enabled will need lifetimes.

You said find a Guru with attributes, even before i started, You found me and my search ended. How divine & cool is that!

Dev, i can go on writing about Bhagwaan’s Yogbal, Your Karuna and my good fortune of finding You both.

So much to thank You for.
So much to Love You for.
So much to bow down to You for.
So much to rejoice for.
So much to cherish.

Thank You.
Thank You.
Thank You.