Everything about Him


Everything about Him

Every Darshan of His, makes me feel more special, more blissful, more rejuvenating, one mood at a time.

Every view of His Mudra, aligns me to the right path, one degree at a time.

Every moment spent with Him, burns the dirt within me, one kuvrutti at a time.

Every vachan shravan of His, cleans my subconscious, one thought at a time.

Every sparsh of His Hastkamal, sheds this unending cycle, one birth at a time.

Every Ajna of His, corrects my wrong doings, one belief at a time.

Every Satsang of His, recharges and reignites my passion towards the ultimate goal He has for me, one step at a time.

Thank You, Gurudev.

Thank You.

Thank You.

Thank you.