Hey Jeev


Hey Jeev

Hey Jeev – allow Him into your heart so you align with Him and be realigned to the Great Masters.

Hey Jeev – He, my Dev knows it, walks it, feels it, cherishes it, resides in it, revels in it, just stay connected to reach it – Your Soul.

Hey Jeev, trust myDev, completely. His focus for your kalyaan is matchless.
His vision for your liberation is spotless.
His knowledge of the route is flawless.
His ability to get you across is doubtless.

Hey Jeev, family, friends, relatives, colleges, neighbours bring flavour to life, myDev brings fragrance to your existence, the permanent one.

Hey Jeev, just follow His tips, hints, signs, map, agnas, mantras, & recomendations. Similarly, just follow His eyes, smile, ashray, indications, charakamal, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Hey Jeev, i love you, that’s why i am suggesting His Grace’s Grace to you. It is the best investment, insurance and involvement.

Hey Jeev, you have been around and around, now is the time to break the concentric spirals. Get found, get bound and get ground in His karuna, wisdom and His knowledge – myDev.

Hey Jeev, we both know this is the right thing to do and we both know why we are not doing it – lack of faith.
You give your head to an uncertified barber.
You place your life in hands of an unknown taxi driver.
You trust your savings with an unknown promoter.
You buy from an unverified vegetable vendor.
You sit in a plane trusting the unseen pilot.
Jeev, you trust the unknown chef with your health.
You trust the unverified doctor’s certificates.
You believe in the unknown when it suits you.
You choose the unlicensed to save monies.
Jeev, but how come you hold back from the one who sees more in you than you see in yourself – myDev

Hey Jeev, life is short, uncertain, unforgiving, uncharted, unknown, unreliable, unfathomable, unrealistic…simply choose the unfailable – myDev.

Hey Jeev,
what’s real is relative.
what’s true is objective.
what’s needed is subjective.
what’s desirable is comparative,
what’s really worthy is His soul narrative.

Hey Jeev, you are always running after monies, materials, pleasures, people, awards, rewards and the like, for once run after myDev and all of the above will be irrelevant.

Hey Jeev, you put value in what you see (darshan moh) or in your circumstances (charitra moh), just put all value in myDev and realise the invaluable Soul.

Hey Jeev,
so what if you fall ?
so what if you forget ?
so what if you feel bad ?
so what if you have failed ?
so what if you feel left out ?
so what if you make mistakes ?
so what if you don’t understand ?
so what if you missed one chance ?
so what if you don’t know the way out ?

No one knows everything about anything, everytime, except myDev.

Jeev, just this once, go ‘all in’ to His Grace.
Just this once.