


How is it that one person can inspire so so so diverse people into loving Him, themselves and everyone around?

What makes people from all over the world, fall in love, offer their seva and transform themselves beyond all logic?

How does He care, connect, construct, convince, coerce all together ?

How does He initiate, instruct, inspect, inspite, instigate, involve across all age groups, all regions, all khopadis, all characters, just amazing how thousands raise in His Love.

He is ever fresh, always connected, calm, composed, present and still fully in control of everything that’s unreliable and unsteady including myself, how?

He reaches out to my inner calling, stretches out to my inner fears, hands out to my habits, build out for my kalyaan, shakes out my laziness, thrashes out my kusanakaar and stands out openly on my side, always, how ?

He takes my case, and gives me peace.
He takes my lowly thoughts, and gives me a higher purpose.
He takes my ego, and enabled me to let go my ego.
He takes my swacchand and gently gives kalyaankaari ajnas.

He takes my aagrahs and graciously teaches me sweet samarpan.

He takes my likes-dislikes and puts a floodlight on them to dissolve them.

He takes my myness & i-ness and dissolves them into nothingness. Grace.

He takes my distractions and transforms them to attractions of the Self.

He takes my raag-dwesh and melts them to vitaragta.

He takes my buddhi and makes it go places i have never imagined – inward.

He takes my vyavhaar kushalta and turns it to parmarth safalta.

He takes my vandans and gives me blessings that relieves of all my bandhans.

My big question – How is He able to wake up for Satsang after a full night of sleepless pain? Such an amazing level of disconnect from the physical body, how?

No logic, no algorithm, no SoP, no rest, saavi jeev karun Krupalu rasi, savi jeev ka karu kalyaan.

i want this inner strength and endless love-ability.