i am on a long flight having some quiet me time and introspect time.
In the last 56 years, life has indeed been very very very kind to me.
Life’s biggest gift is the love, generosity, grace, affection and connection of my Gurudev, myDev.
i am no where close to fully appreciate the value of His presence and it’s beautiful effect upon my life but 100%, by His blessings, one day i will.
As i am looking back, this is what i have learnt. Am sharing with love and affection. This is my humble, very humble sharing.
Life always works out.
We just have to let it unfold.
It always works out, we go through our small ups and downs, but if we stay on the course, it does. Always.
Life has a way to bring us happiness, that’s is primary goal, we have to allow it, go with the flow.
Don’t run into life, let it come to you one step at a time. That’s what is meant to do. By running into it we spoil it’s unfolding.
Things happen for a solid good reason, let them pass and you will see in the end it works out.
We all make mistakes, but what if they were meant to be, what of they were meant for us to learn the nuances of nature to go the right way.
Allow things to play out and let it happen. Wrongs & Mistakes are in our mind, they maybe flags so we find the right way.
Don’t sweat on the small stuff. Keep Love in your heart and allow others to blossom and bloom in their own way. It has worked out for millions, it will for us too.
Keep peace with the near and dear ones with a long long rope. Everyone has their own baggage, journey and destination (karma). ‘Accept and stop expecting’ is a lovely mantra.
I am different and so are you and so is she, so is he….all unique, keep the heart warm and the mind cool.
It’s always about having the right perspective. I have seen that everyone wants and does with the good intentions, our projections get in the way.
By starting with love,
by initiating with love,
by expressing with love,
by sharing with love,
everything changes. This is as true as the sun & moon.
It’s not that others are wrong, is just that we are seeing things differently from what is was meant to be. Just change the ‘gestalt’ you will smile more, much more.
Ego – give it a go.
Not very easy to do, but you must know that it’s just a habit and not an irreapairable flaw.
Money matters upto a point, don’t make it THE POINT.
If your character was auctioned, check how much it will fetch and who will bid for it.
i have made more wrong choices than right choices. It’s just that i corrected the wrongs faster and the allowed the right to stay longer.
i have a long long way to go on all the above indeed and it helps to have company along the journey, thus sharing.
in Love with myDev.