Dearest Sahebji,
Love Filled Vandans.
i left the Ashram earlier today, after the Udghosh to attend a family wedding in Mumbai.
Please know that i just left You and i miss You very very very very much.
My heart has not stopped crying even now….
Can’t explain it,
Can’t imagine it,
Can’t understand it,
But it’s is the truth.
What You have done to my heart, mind and Soul is now irreversible.
Sharing my love note, please know that i love to write to You about You and i can do this for my whole life, 24×7.
Dev, i love your flavour of Karuna. It is fresh & ever present for every living thing. As a beneficiary i know, that’s such an amazing security.
Your Karuna’s beauty is that it is completely unsolicited, it does not depend on my receptivity or need, it’s Yours to give.
Sahebji Your Karuna is location agnostic, i feel it everywhere irrelevant to Your or my geographical location.
Dev, the colour of Your Karuna is Pure Love, unblemished, glowing, flowing and spotless.
Sahebji, karuna is tasteless, but Your’s is SWEET with a classy mix of countless gunas. This SWEET looks good, feels good, tastes good, last long, energises me and becomes my good gunas.
Dev, Karuna is Your natural exposition, because for You it is like Oxygen or Blood flowing effortlessly and endlessly.
I want to be in every heart that houses You so i can offer my quiet seva there.
Lord, i would be everywhere You look and want to be able to see You through every set of eyes that look at You so i don’t miss a thing.
I want to be in every object, subject, project, pretext & context that You are in, always.
Saral Swami, Your Karuna is indeed expression of the blooming presence of Your Divine Guru’s touch and love in You.
Dev, i have felt and seen that the Promise of Your karuna is that, one day it will make me like You – Complete Love.
Sahebji, to observe You is to see Karuna personified with endless reach & bottomless depth.
Saheb it is by Your Karuna that i have stopped running and started walking and my thoughts are more inwards than outwards.
Dev, awakened & energised by Your Karuna i am trying to be a witness while everything else in and around me, is spinning.
Saheb, now even during normal conversations and activities my mind seems to drift into another zone.
Dev, Your karuna is for my Soul to come from the ‘naipathya’ to the stage and rejoice Your Grace.
SAHEB, please please please know that i miss You too much. Just cannot explain it.
Aganit Love filled Vandans myDev.
Aganit Love filled Vandans myDev.
Aganit Love filled Vandans myDev.
Thank You.
Thank You.
Thank You.