myDev – my Rangrez ❤️


myDev – my Rangrez ❤️

Today’s love note is joyfully penned by a Soul sitting on a river bank making her heart flow, glow and grow in the Grace of myDev.


Aho! Mara Guru Raj,
Apne Shat Shat Naman.

O Dev, by Your Grace alone,
i humbly offer my innermost emotions at Your Holy Lotus Feet,

O! Dev,
Mein nikhar rahi hu,
Mein savar rahi hu,
Tere Rang mein, Guru Raj, Mere Rangrez Raj.
Mere Raj, Mere Dev, Mere Krupalu Dev.

O! Dev,
i’m fully drenched in the
Colors of Your Divinity,
Colors of Your Unconditional Love,
Colors of Your Countless Blessings,
Colors of Your Limitless Grace,
Colors of Your Everflowing Bliss,
Colors of Your Divine Radiance,
Colors of Your Shear Purity,
Colors of Your Shear Simplicity,
Colors of Your Everlasting Compassion,
Colors of Your Glorious Dispassion,
Colors of Your Unmoved Presence,
Colors of Your Immense Patience,
Colors of Your Utmost Benevolence,
Colors of Your Pious Peace center,
Colors of Your Never failing Promises,
Colors of Your Timeless Sensitivity,
Colors of Your Bizarre Creativity,
Colors of Your Warm associations,
Colors of Your Pure Innocence,
Colors of Your Cuteness,
and so many many many more colors that You are constantly showering unto me.

O Dev, am simply amazed and speechless at the very same time.

O Dev, why do You love me so much?
Why? Why? Why?

And there my Dev replied in His Mystical way & that’s when i realised…

myDev’s very nature is to only Give.
myDev’s shear living is itself an offering unto HIS Lord.
myDev lives only to give.
myDev is my Greatest Help and the only Help.

i humbly bow down in Gratitude.
Thank You so much for calling me in Your World.
Thank You so much,
Thank You so much,
Thank You so much, my Dev.

Please make me worthy of You alone.

Ending with this feeling in my heart for You, my Dev,
Tu hi Aastha,
Tu hi Arzoo,
Tu hi Bandagi, Mere Raj,
Mere Rangrez Raj…

Love You myDev ❤️
🌸 🌸🌸🌸🌸