myDev – myNoor


myDev – myNoor

Aganit Arigato to myDev.

My life remained uninitiated till You laid eyes on me. After You laid eyes on me Dev, my life has not looked back ever. That’s why i say You are my Noor.

Dear Dev i assure You, Your investment will pay off, because i know You are an amazing investor.

Dear Divine Light, the world is another place after Your Grace changed my lenses. Now i don’t even recognise my old self.

My life journey was in buses, cars, trains, planes and boats, all going in circles – round and round. Dev, You Noor shone forth and introduced me to GRATITUDE, ACCEPTANCE, CRAZY LOVE & GRACE all coming straight from Your Beautiful existence. Now my journeys are all a one-way towards You.

There was so so much happening in my life that was not right. myDev, after Your Grace happened, so so so much fell right in place.

Dev, so many aspects needed to change for my journey to go in the right direction. Your one embrace and faith in me changed all aspects in one go.

Dev, so many masks and makeups covered me, only Your incessant efforts and persistence has helped unmask all one by one.

i am not just indebted to You,
i am not just owing You big time.
i am not just in Your debt deeply.
i am not just dependent on Your Grace.
i am all of that and much more for long long longer.

i am nothing, but i trust You 100% and that’s everything.

Kindest Dev, You are my Noor, my light, my silver lining, my armour, my saviour, my protector and my ‘me-destroyer’.

Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.