myDev, When You…


myDev, When You…

When You Smile, my heart skips a beat.

When You laugh, all my senses are dancing.

When You raise Your eyebrows, i can’t stop smiling.

When You roll Your eyes, my World stands still.

When You keep Your forehead still, my ring finger gets energised.

When You Bless my being with Your Hastkamal after a Prathishtha, all cells get rebooted and rerooted.

When you slip into dhyaan, my eyes, mind & heart want to take it all in.

When You pass by, all my goodnesses arise in a salute.

When You look at me, all happiness comes running.

In Your Satsang, everything seems right, easy, doable instantly.

When You are in Bhakti, my Bhakti gets super elevated.

When You perform Aarti, i am amazed at Divinity all around.

When You dance, i rejoice just seeing You.

When You Bless, i get baptised all over again.

When You hug, i get super energised to achieve anything.

When i read Your whispers everyday, my world calms down.

When i offer seva, my purity goes up, several notches.

When You travel so much good of the universe gets unraveled.

When You test me, i realise You are brining out the best in me.

When i dream of You, i wake up in a designers world.

When i pray to You, it is only thank you, thank you, thank you over and over.

When You stay with me. You become family, close family.

When i follow You, i know the destination is going to be the most beautiful, peaceful & joyful final stopover.

Thank You.
Thank You.
Thank You.