Nothing without You


Nothing without You

Dearest Dev,

Aganit Vandans Dev with Beautiful flowers and lots of Love tears.

This heart is full of Your Love,
This heart is full of Love for You,
This Heart is full of Love only.

Dearest Dev,

Thank You for coming for the Satsang.
Thank You for attending the event.
Thank You for taking me along with You.
Thank You for seeing value in me.
Thank You for looking at me.
Thank You for Smiling at me.
Thank You for loving me so much.
Thank You for sharing with me.
Thank You for making me listen to You.
Thank You for Your conveniences enabling me to come to You.
Thank You for simplifying scriptures for me.
Thank You for clearing, lighting and beautifying the Spiritual path for me.
Thank You for holding my hand.
Thank You for helping me understand.
Thank You for bringing out my best version.
Thank You for taking the time to help me.
Thank You for patiently teaching me.
Thank You for showing me my inner beauty.
Thank You for responding to my romance.
Thank You for tolerating my stupidity.
Thank You for always thinking of my kalyaan.
Thank You for helping me change my perspectives.
Thank You for Your tireless efforts to keep me connected to You.
Thank You for taking me with You on Jatras and Yatras.
Thank You for standing by me.
Thank You for unveiling my masks.
Thank You for valuing and evaluating me.
Thank You for making my journey so beautiful.
Thank You for showing me the real me.
Thank You for being my Love.
Thank You for allowing me to Love You deeply.
Thank You for being present in every aspect of my life.
Thank You for filling my life with Bhakti.

Dearest Dev,

Above all, thank You for filling my life moments with the…
Most Amazing Param Krupaludev,
Most Benevolent Bhagwaan Krupaludev,
Most Commendable Connoisseur of Spirituality
Most Creative & Capable Champion of my Kalyaan
Most Desired Divine Master.
Most Enlightened Sakha Bhagwaan Krupaludev.
Most Fantastic Spiritual Father.
Most Generous & Graceful Lord Raj
Most Happy Symbol of Love.
Most Inspiring Poet of the Soul.
Most Precious Jewel of Seekers, myBhagwaan.
Most Kind King of Dharampur.
Most Loving Bridge to my inner world.
Most Magnificent Manifestor of Moksh.
Most Noble Soul ever – Raj.
Most Optimistic Teacher ever my Krupalu.
Most Powerful Gurudev’s Dev
Most Quiet Revolutionary of the inner world.
Most Respected messenger of Love.
Most Sweet donor of tatva drashti
Most Trusted owner of inner peace
Most Understanding Friend Param Sakha.
Most Vandaniya existence.
Most Wholesome Wiseman, the Awesome Master.

As 2022 comes to a Beautiful closure in Your Aura i humbly seek Your Blessings for the rest of my life…

May my every thought, every word, every action be stamped by His Grace & Your love.

May cup of my life be filled and over flow with Your Agnas, Love & Your Samagam.

Dearest Dev,
Thank You for making my life journey a meaningful, divine and pious.

Wishing a Happy New Year with Renewed Divine Love,
Amazing Connection with Bhagwaan & Everlasting inner Peace.

Aganit Vandans. Aganit Vandans. Aganit Vandans. Aganit Vandans. Aganit Vandans.

Thank You.
Thank You.
Thank You.