You are too…


You are too…

Dearest Dev,

Love You.
Aganit Vandans.
Love You.
Aganit Vandans.
Love You.
Aganit Vandans.

You are too cool because in a room full of people wanting to meet You, You talk to me as if i am the only one there.

You are too awesome because when all the eyes in the Dome are on You, Your eyes are firmly on Bhagwaan Krupaludev transfixed.

You are too kind, because no matter what people say, no matter how people approach You, You stay lovingly equanimous giving, giving, giving…

You are too sweet because You see the beauty in everyone. You see the positivity in everything. You see the unseen everywhere.

You are too compassionate because You choose to see the good in me and then help me also see it, so i may bring it out.

You are too loving because everything about You, everything You do, everything You initiate is to bring out that love.

You are too much in love with Krupaludev because it is Your constant attempt to dissolve Yourself in Him.

You are my favourite because over the years i am yet to find anyone more loveable & pious than You.

You are the ultimate because no matter where i go or what i do, You are always there, always.

You are the absolute spectacle, because when You smile the world lights up.

Your smile elevates me beyond all slumber, slack or sleep. It’s like lightening striking on barren land.

Dev, normally i suffer from low-suagr reactions when i skip a meal, but every Samvatsari when i fast along with You, nothing happens.

Dev, i am ok if the entire world around me stops talking to me or even drops out of sight, but if You stop then my world will stop.

i don’t know why i love You so much but i know from the bottom of my heart that You Love me much much much more and that myDev is the secret to our love.

myDev, please don’t think i am exaggerating when i say that just being in Your Aura cures me of so so so many ills, wills and spills. i experience it, everytime.

Dev, my life would have been a sheer waste if not for You. You have given me the ultimate mantra, “Love Krupaludev”, with this one, i will smilingly go to grave and still be chanting it.

Dev, You had said, Lord Krishna could stand next to a sleeping Arjuna and hear Krishna Krishna Krishna from every breadth and every hair follicle – for me it is, Krupaludev, Krupaludev, Krupaludev.

Dev, this birth, my heart is completely given to You, every inch so that i am able to love you completely but still am far far far behind Your Love – how ?

Dev, when i think of You, my heart glows fondly and when You think of me, my entire existence glows brightly, by Your Love.

Dev, i want every soul to experience Your Love because i think it is the purest thing that exists in nature.

Dev, as You walked all over the Dome to give Drashti love to everyone, my heart wanted to be in every seat in the Dome. i wanted to see and feel You through every pair of eyes and every heart.

Thank You.
Thank You.
Thank You.