Dearest Dearest Dev,
Please accept my most happy and Smiling Aganit Love Vandans.
All good occurrences in my life journey & all that is good in me is purely by Your Blessings & Grace.
As i am listing them, i know that just by You having me in Your thoughts can destroy so many of my karma mountains.
i know that, just by You having me in Your drashti can destroy so many of my kuvruttis instantly.
i know that just by You having me in Your memory can systematically demolish so many of my raag-dvesh and reactions.
i know that just by You having me in Your Heart can destroy so so so many birth cycles, turning all to dust.
i know that just by being in Your Aura can purify me for a long long time.
i know that just by thinking of You can stop me from doing any wrong instantly.
i know that just by chanting Your name can bring all Shubh bhaavs to the surface.
i know that just by attending Your Satsang i am drenched in Love for the longest time.
i know that just by talking about You can alleviate all my tiredness of body and mind.
i know that just by offering the smallest Seva to You can purify me to the highest levels.
i know that just by getting one tini-mini agna from You, can demolish my large and mighty mithyatvas.
i know that just one spoken word of Yours to me can give me insights of lifetimes and clean up layers and layers of ignorance.
i know that just one morsel of Your prasadi can satiate all my hungers.
i know that just one meal with Your Grace can destroy my ras lolupta of any bhog.
i know that just one car ride with You can destroy so so so many of my paribhraman journeys.
i know that just by listening to Your Satsangs can help close and clarify so so many questions and clarifications for lifetimes.
i know that by offering even one Vandan at Your Charankamal can immediately start my Moksh journey in the right direction.
i know that getting Your Rajipo is the highest award, honour, certificate, recognition, reward, accolade, appreciation that this Soul can ever hope to get.
Dearest Dev, Thank you for all Your Love, Karuna, Grace, Generosity. Lots and Lots of Love.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.